Monday, December 24, 2012

The Truth of Cool

I spent most of my life being cool
Acting cool
Dressing cool
Listening to cool music
Saying cool things
Hanging out with cool people
Doing everything  ... cool

Then one day I realized
I had become cold
My friends were emotionless
My dress was trite
My words were banal
I was a prisoner of my own mentality
Serving an endless sentence
So I escaped …

I am now a fool
I act silly
I dress retarded
I listen to music that makes me feel
I say what comes to mind
And I laugh and smile at all the wrong things

The warmth of life is slowing coming back to me

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Media : Creating Mass Killers

From basement dweller to infamous

You know the names and faces of the shooters - Dylon Klebold /Eric Harris, but name a victim of Columbine?
Whether it be the Virginia Tech gunman, The Batman theater shooting, The Oregon Mall shooter, and the gunman in the shooting of  Senator Giffords in Arizona.  Their faces are plastered 24/7 around the news, and yet the victims are quickly forgotten.
The media creates a cycle of behavior: Why just kill yourself anonymously in your basement because you are sad and disturbed, when you can go out in a “blaze of glory” and be remembered forever. The young, that have mental problems or are depressed, can go from “nobodies” to forever etched into the pages of history. The Media is creating an environment of enablement. The sensationalizing of these villains has created a back lash or purpose to those that have given up on life. In an age, of social networking and self promotion - the hopeless can, in a final act, gain fame (infamy). Why simply fade away as an unremembered sad boy - when you can become a horrible monster that will forever be linked to the next such monster? The media not only parades the survivors out, while the shock is still fresh in their faces, but does a compare and contrast on body counts from previous incidents. As if it were a game to be ranked.
The media quickly defends its actions by proclaiming and rationalizing  - this is what the viewers demand. But to be honest most people will eat what is set before them. So the News outlet’s justifications are set to serve their own purpose, to shock you into watching. So you can blame weapons or mental health care all you want - but until you start holding the media accountable for “their” actions - this cycle will not end .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Nurse Suicide: Who is really to blame?

Lets do the math here…
Australian radio D.J.s  pull “sophomoric prank” on nurse.
British press finds out about said prank and runs the story into the ground.
Nurse kills herself.
Press blames D.J.s
But isn’t the world press the real bad guys here?
Aren’t they the ones that really humiliated this women
By running the story non-stop? And yet they deflect all blame.
When are we as consumers going to hold the Press accountable for their actions?
We complain our leaders having little accountability,
but yet, constantly turn a blind-eye to the hypocrisy of the Press.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mayan Doomsday Calander

I get asked so much - let me make this easy for everyone:
It is thought that the Mayan "Long" count calendar completes its current cycle of the 13th baktan  (144,000 days)  on Dec. 21/2012.  Thus ending our currant age and entering the 14th baktan.
But here is the problem. The Mayan calendar is nearly perfect, our calendar on the other hand (the Gregorian) is flawed. No one knows for sure when Christ was born or even died. So our Calendar has a probability error of plus/minus 5 years (a ten year span of error). So the 13th baktan may have well already ended or we may have another half decade to go.
So my advice on Dec. 21/2012… Party like it’s the end of the world. Just make sure you have aspirin and Gatorade handy - because the Sun will raise and you will live to suffer that hang-over (even if you feel like you are dead) - like it or not.
FYI the Aztecs invented tequila (like drink) not the Mayans. The Mayans drank Balche (bark fermented in honey water) …So good luck with that.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TotD: The Opposite of Love

People are stupid.
They think the opposite of love is hate
And vise versa 
This could not be further from the truth
In love, there is a constant affinity for your object
You crave it
You yearn for it when it is not within reach
In hate, there is a burning obsession with your target
It controls your thoughts
It dictates your actions
Both in love and hate, you find yourself consumed
Both riddle you with pain and satisfaction
But they are not diametrically opposing forces
They are allies in a misguided war
The opposite of love and hate is the very same
It is apathy
It is the cold disconcern
The emotionless detachment
Apathy exiles you into a dull oblivion
It is the eyes, that stare through you 
No adulation
No rage

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Philosophers and theologians have confused the world with their semantics
They speak of concepts like Free Will
But if the Will is truly Free
Then why don’t we get a choice in the most important decisions in our lives?
Because in the end
You don’t get to choose who you fall in love with.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What are you?

What are you?

A Cat? 
Cool and detached
With grace and style
Wanting only to be touched at your whim 

What are you?

A Dog?
A loving companion
A pack animal
Full of warmth with a protective nature

What are you?

A Scholar?
Filled with a lust for knowledge
Driven by ego and merit
Lost to the world 
Yet satisfied

What are you?

A Warrior?
Noble in mind and deed
Quest driven
Seeking places others fear and shun

What are you?

A Saint?
Quietly devout
Ascetic in your discipline
Casting your spirit upon the world

What are you?

An Artist?
Poetically aloof
A tormented soul
An outcast of the world
One who seeks revenge in creation

What are you?

A Fool?
You strive to be all yet you are none
Folly is your ally
Destruction is your path
Oblivion is your lover

What are you?

Monday, November 12, 2012

The chasm that is her soul

Laying silently staring at a sleeping face
The absent years have weathered her
But she still looks like the girl I once loved
Old feelings saturate my thoughts
Her eyes slowly open and she gazes at me as if I were a stranger
Struggling in denial, I pretend I don’t see it
She smiles and gives me a kiss
It contains the dry passion of a grandmothers peck
I lay back and the ceiling becomes my canvas
I wonder what happened to her to make her so cold
Was it the loss of her brother?
Was she mistreated by other men in her life?
Was she always this way and I had never bothered to notice?
Scenarios running through my mind like a pack of gazelles fleeing a half-starved cheetah
I pretend nothing is wrong
Perhaps I am misunderstanding the situation
Maybe I am dead and this is purgatory
She keeps her feelings so buried
It is pointless to ask questions
I imagine torturing her - Gitmo style for answers
Would that work?
Would she just tell me - what she thinks I want to hear to make the pain stop?
She is chipping away at me little by little with subtle actions
It is starting to destroy me
Confidence shattered
I struggle to clear my mind of this plague of thoughts
I reflect upon the sex - active yet empty
As sterile as a sober one night stand
I fool myself into believing - in time she will warm to me
That I will see that longing, loving glow in her eyes that made me love her so many years ago
She is a quandary
She has a warm friendly nature and a kind smile
Her conversation is light and easy
But when I reach out to her there is no reciprocation
She is as lifeless to my touch as a tattered sex doll
I go into silly mode to make her laugh and lighten my mood
It works
I engage her in meaningful conversation
She shuts down
No pretty lies nor ugly truths
she just turns off
I am once again lost
This will not end well
I will never see her again after that morning
Nor will I ever know what poisoned her well
I will just be left with a hollow feeling where a warm memory used to live

Friday, November 9, 2012

The principles of Newspeak is to limit thought - G Orwell
Critics have argued that the term "hate speech" is a modern example of Newspeak, used to silence critics of social policies