Friday, December 14, 2012

The Media : Creating Mass Killers

From basement dweller to infamous

You know the names and faces of the shooters - Dylon Klebold /Eric Harris, but name a victim of Columbine?
Whether it be the Virginia Tech gunman, The Batman theater shooting, The Oregon Mall shooter, and the gunman in the shooting of  Senator Giffords in Arizona.  Their faces are plastered 24/7 around the news, and yet the victims are quickly forgotten.
The media creates a cycle of behavior: Why just kill yourself anonymously in your basement because you are sad and disturbed, when you can go out in a “blaze of glory” and be remembered forever. The young, that have mental problems or are depressed, can go from “nobodies” to forever etched into the pages of history. The Media is creating an environment of enablement. The sensationalizing of these villains has created a back lash or purpose to those that have given up on life. In an age, of social networking and self promotion - the hopeless can, in a final act, gain fame (infamy). Why simply fade away as an unremembered sad boy - when you can become a horrible monster that will forever be linked to the next such monster? The media not only parades the survivors out, while the shock is still fresh in their faces, but does a compare and contrast on body counts from previous incidents. As if it were a game to be ranked.
The media quickly defends its actions by proclaiming and rationalizing  - this is what the viewers demand. But to be honest most people will eat what is set before them. So the News outlet’s justifications are set to serve their own purpose, to shock you into watching. So you can blame weapons or mental health care all you want - but until you start holding the media accountable for “their” actions - this cycle will not end .

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