Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mayan Doomsday Calander

I get asked so much - let me make this easy for everyone:
It is thought that the Mayan "Long" count calendar completes its current cycle of the 13th baktan  (144,000 days)  on Dec. 21/2012.  Thus ending our currant age and entering the 14th baktan.
But here is the problem. The Mayan calendar is nearly perfect, our calendar on the other hand (the Gregorian) is flawed. No one knows for sure when Christ was born or even died. So our Calendar has a probability error of plus/minus 5 years (a ten year span of error). So the 13th baktan may have well already ended or we may have another half decade to go.
So my advice on Dec. 21/2012… Party like it’s the end of the world. Just make sure you have aspirin and Gatorade handy - because the Sun will raise and you will live to suffer that hang-over (even if you feel like you are dead) - like it or not.
FYI the Aztecs invented tequila (like drink) not the Mayans. The Mayans drank Balche (bark fermented in honey water) …So good luck with that.

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