Saturday, November 17, 2012

What are you?

What are you?

A Cat? 
Cool and detached
With grace and style
Wanting only to be touched at your whim 

What are you?

A Dog?
A loving companion
A pack animal
Full of warmth with a protective nature

What are you?

A Scholar?
Filled with a lust for knowledge
Driven by ego and merit
Lost to the world 
Yet satisfied

What are you?

A Warrior?
Noble in mind and deed
Quest driven
Seeking places others fear and shun

What are you?

A Saint?
Quietly devout
Ascetic in your discipline
Casting your spirit upon the world

What are you?

An Artist?
Poetically aloof
A tormented soul
An outcast of the world
One who seeks revenge in creation

What are you?

A Fool?
You strive to be all yet you are none
Folly is your ally
Destruction is your path
Oblivion is your lover

What are you?

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